Urban Apartments

Urban Apartments  

We are a local, family-owned company engaged in short-term rental of apartments in the PREMIUM segment. We manage not only our own properties, but also entrusted properties.

We are distinguished by a very good standard of apartments. We guarantee service at the highest level. We take care of every detail, ensuring the greatest possible comfort for our guests and apartment owners.


The fusion of experience, commitment and focus on the needs of our clients means that we often hear from Guests that they "feel at home".


Confirmation of the quality of our services are some of the best reviews on global booking platforms. These reviews are derived not only from the high standard we guarantee, but also from the very well-equipped kitchen facilities with household appliances and kitchen accessories that allow you to prepare any meal with a glass of wine or champagne.  


We care about the comfort and convenience of our guests' sleep. We use thermoplastic mats, soft, anti-allergenic pillows and comforters, cotton sheets and towels, and vegan body and hair cosmetics.




For owners:

The goal of our work is to generate a high return on investment in the apartment for our clients, and to fully take over the responsibilities of handling the leasing and maintenance processes.

With our comprehensive service, we guarantee "real passive income".

Experience, good strategy and diligence, translate into very regular occupancy throughout the year, and thus a steady income for Owners.


Make an appointment today!

Kajetan Sroczyński: +48 666 344 977 | e-mail: kajetan.sroczynski@abi-group.pl


We will be happy to answer all your questions and concerns.

We will evaluate the apartment free of charge for efficiency on the short-term rental market and simulate the expected financial results.



Stages of cooperation:


I stage:

Establishing the terms of cooperation, evaluating the apartment for short-term rentals.
Assistance in arranging and furnishing the interior.


II stage:

Professional photo session.
Creating a profile of the property on the most popular booking portals.


III stage:

Maintaining relationships with guests.
Around-the-clock Customer Service, numerous SMART solutions.
Dynamic price management - use of algorithms that guarantee optimization of occupancy and profit.
Cleaning (preparation of apartments for each stay, full cleaning, replacement of linens, towels, toiletries sets).
Regular inspection of the technical condition of the apartment.
Repair of minor defects.


IV stage:

Transparent rental settlement.
Providing owner access to the reservation platform.


You are cordially invited to cooperate with us.

We are prepared for various forms of cooperation.

From a contract with a fixed rent to a management commission of 20%.

We will be happy to provide you with details of cooperation and send you sample agreements.


Urban Apartments team


phone: +48 666 344 977

e-mail: kajetan.sroczynski@abi-group.pl


Company registration name: ABI Miranda Sroczynska NIP 6480012301, trade name: Urban Apartments 

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